Proposed Key Area Revisions and Amendments
Part II, PKA/RA 5 to 9

3) ECONOMIC JUSTICE / LABOR RIGHTS -- A Blue-Green Agenda, "The Battle after Seattle - Beyond the WTO," and The Growing Inequities of Wealth

PKA/RA-5 RE Social Justice and Equal Opportunity

C. Welfare/Workfare section to be re-named "Economic Justice" [recommend] [not recommend] [return]

PKA/RA-6 Economic Justice - Welfare

Replace the Welfare section with the following:

[Economic Justice] Welfare: A Commitment to Ending Poverty

The health of the planet is inseparably bound to the health of our human communities. Greens understand that an unjust society is an unsustainable society. When communities are stressed by poverty, violence and despair, our ability to meet the challenges of the post-industrial age are critically impaired. A wholistic, future-focused perspective on how we distribute resources in this country will consider the effects of such distribution not just on our present needs, but on the seventh generation to come.

The ones who suffer most from economic injustice are children - those who will inherit the social and environmental problems of the 20th century, and who will carry the responsibility of sustaining our society into the next millennium. Ensuring that children and their caregivers have access to an adequate, secure standard of living should form the cornerstone of our economic priorities.

It is time for a radical paradigm shift in our attitude toward support for families, children, the poor and the disabled. Such support must not be given grudgingly; it is the right of those in present need and an investment in our future. We must take an uncompromising position that the care and nurture of children, elders and the disabled are essential to a healthy, peaceful and sustainable society. We should recognize that the work of their caregivers is of social and economic value, and reward it accordingly. Only then can we hope to build our future on a foundation of healthy, educated children who are raised in an atmosphere of love and security.

We believe that all people have a right to food, housing, medical care, a living wage job, education, and support in times of hardship.

We believe that work performed outside the monetary system has inherent social and economic value, and is essential to a healthy, sustainable economy and peaceful communities. Such work includes, but is not limited to: child and elder care; homemaking; voluntary community service; continuing education; participating in government; and the arts.

We call for restoration of a federally-funded entitlement program to support children, families, the unemployed, elderly and disabled, with no time limit on benefits. This program should be funded through the existing welfare budget, reductions in military spending and corporate subsidies, and a fair progressive income tax.

We call for a graduated supplemental income, or negative income tax, that would maintain all individual adult incomes above the poverty level, regardless of employment or marital status.

We advocate reinvesting a significant portion of the military budget in family support, living wage job development, and work training programs. Publicly-funded work training and education programs should have a goal of increasing people's employment options at living wage jobs.

We support public funding for the development of living wage jobs in community and environmental service, for example, environmental clean-up, recycling, sustainable agriculture and food production, sustainable forest management, repair and maintenance of public facilities, neighborhood-based public safety, aids in schools, libraries and childcare centers, and construction and renovation of energy-efficient housing.

The accumulation of individual wealth in the U.S. has reached grossly unbalanced proportions. It is clear that we cannot rely on the rich to regulate their profit-making excesses for the good of society through "trickle-down economics". We must take aggressive steps to restore a fair distribution of income. We support tax incentives for businesses that apply fair employee wage distributions standards, and income tax policies that restrict the accumulation of excessive individual wealth.

Livable Income

Forcing welfare recipients to accept jobs that pay wages below a livable income drives wages down and exploits workers for private profit at public expense. We reject "workfare" as a form a slave labor.

Corporations receiving public subsidies must provide livable wage jobs, observe basic workers rights, and agree to affirmative action policies. [recommend] [not recommend] [return]

Resolution 1 "A Call for Economic Justice"

(Proposed Resolution to endorse the Labor Party's "Call for Economic Justice")

The Green Party in principle endorses the Labor Party "Call for Economic Justice" and supports the creation of a new worker-oriented environmental movement - a 'Just Transition Movement' - that puts forth a fair and just transition program to protect both jobs and the environment.

Included in the "Call for Economic Justice" --

- All workers with jobs endangered by steps taken to protect the environment are to be made whole and to receive full income and benefits as they make the difficult transition to alternative work.

- The cost of this Just Transition Income Support program will be paid for by taxes on corporate polluters. [support] [do not support]

Resolution 2

(Proposed Resolution - "A Blue-Green Agenda")

An emerging coalition of blue-collar labor and greens reached a new degree of solidarity last year during the WTO Ministerial Conference in Seattle. Progressives of all stripes formed a powerful new fusion and left Seattle determined to forge an ongoing "blue-green agenda".

In Seattle, in response to the blue-green alliance, the President made a series of concessions. But these were not enough. In the upcoming national elections, a blue-green agenda will keep the heat on. In opposition to the two major parties, the 2000 Green presidential campaign will link labor rights and environmentalism to the critical debate on the global economy.

The alliance that came together so effectively in Seattle was not altogether new. Since the early 90's, labor and environmental groups have found themselves united in opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement and GATT, which seemed to both groups to ignore the public interest. By 1997, this coalition had gained enough clout to defeat the President's bid for a "fast-track" ticket for negotiating future trade agreements.

An ongoing blue-green agenda will forge an even more powerful coalition. Recent AFL-CIO blue-green talks have involved non-profit, community, and environmental groups. Focusing originally on "climate change" and related issues stemming from the Kyoto Summit in 1997, an expanded labor-green-progressive effort has been set in motion. A statement of principles proposes blue-green advances on the policy level, through educational outreach and initiatives to bring labor and greens together in common ground actions. Ralph Nader and organizations such as Global TradeWatch and Public Citizen have continued to spearhead organizing efforts and are looking "Beyond the WTO" to the larger issue of globalization, corporate malfeasance, insider trading and power brokering.

"The Battle After Seattle" has catapulted the blue-green agenda to the main arena. The year 2000 will be pivotal for those who see a different vision of the future than the one promoted via the WTO by corporate lobbyists.

Green 2000 Campaign Talking Points for "The Battle after Seattle: Beyond the WTO"

WTO - Free trade versus fair trade

Globalization vs cooperative globalism

Privatization vs a balance of public and private responsibilities

Economic Justice

Core Labor Standards

Workers Rights / Workplace Safety

"Just Transitions" to sustainable jobs in a sustainable environment

Lifelong education and training

Public Disclosure/Democracy

Transparent, open trade decision-making

Democratic process and protections

"Declaration of Human Rights"

Third World Issues

Debt relief/Economic development

No coercion

Sovereignty Over Basic Economic Policy

Sweatshop and child labor reform

Next Stop: China

Vote on Permanent Normal Trading Relations

The Corporate Welfare state

Corporate Accountability

Campaign Finance Reform

Corporate lobbyists' influence on Congress

The Media/Press and corporate control

Corporate convergence (mergers and acquisitions)


In 2000, the Green Party is campaigning to literally change the world. Each of our candidates holds out a Green vision and a courageous message. When Ralph Nader states that "Concentrated corporate power is on a collision course with democracy", he is speaking 'truth to power'. The Green Party is a party of democracy, not a tool of the monied interests. The Green Platform is founded on core principles and our key positions are those of the land and the people. The defining principles and rules of a global economy must be geared to human needs, not corporate demands. The formation of a blue-green alliance stands in the way of corporate dominance of civil society. [support] [do not support]

PKA/RA-7 RE Corporate Accountability

1. Amendment # 1: Change the Title from "Corporate Accountability" to "Re-asserting Local Citizen Control Over Corporations."

2. Revise paragraph # 1 as follows:

Currently, corporations possess more rights and freedoms than natural human persons. Through a series of judicial rulings, and by virtue of their ability to control governments and economies by virtue of wealth, corporations have judicially rewritten our Constitution and have emerged as unaccountable, unelected governments. The Greens, therefore, support all reforms that seek to supplant governmental regulation of corporations with communities that seek to define corporations. In the interim, Greens support measures that hold executives and officers of corporations directly liable for the harm that results from their decisions.

3. Revise paragraph #7 as follows:

Legal doctrines must be continually revised in recognition of the changing needs of an active, democratic citizenry. Huge multi-national corporations are artificial creations, not natural persons uniquely sheltered under constitutional protections. It is time to support local government and state government attempts to DEFINE CORPORATIONS and to prevent these entities from exercising democratic rights which are uniquely possessed by the citizens of the United States.

4. Also:

The corporations section of the Green Party platform should be introduced in the "A Call to Action" and the "Platform Preamble" section of the platform, as a set of ideas/values that sets the Greens apart from the corporatized government and economy that currently permeates the U.S. system. [recommend] [not recommend] [return]

4) A Human Rights Agenda -- An Unequivocal Defense of the Rights of Minorities and the Oppressed

Resolution 3 (Proposed Resolution - "A Human Rights Agenda")


It is the position of the Green Party that sexual activity conducted among consenting adults in private shall not be the basis for any form of criminal prosecution, discrimination, or other negative treatment by any state, local, or federal government.

It is the position of the Green Party that all people are entitled to equal rights under law, regardless of sexual orientation, preference, or identity. By sexual orientation and preference, we mean one's real or perceived sexual emotion, desire, attraction, relationship(s), friendship(s), whether by psychological predisposition or chosen sexual behavior. By sexual identity we mean one's biological, psychological, chosen, or perceived sex or gender, including decisions to change one's sex ("transgender" identity).

The Green Party calls for national legal protection (whether through new legislation or amendment to prior legislation) against discrimination of the basis of sexual orientation, preference, or identity in housing, public accommodations, medical treatment, and employment in both the public and private sector. It must outlaw all discrimination in all branches of the United States Armed Forces.

We do not consider same-sex desire in any way pathological, and we oppose involuntary and nonconsensual treatment for to change one's sexual orientation, preference, or identity. We oppose imposed, obligatory, and nonconsensual gender-reassignment surgery for infants and children. We support the right of individuals to be treated as a member of one's chosen sex.

We respect personal privacy and freedom of association, and therefore support the exemption of housing in shared living quarters, i.e., roommate and housemate situations, from nondiscrimination statutes.

The Green Party supports giving same-sex couples in committed relationships (whether these are called "partnership" or "marriage") the same recognition, rights, privileges, protections, and benefits under the law as different-sex couples. The right to adopt or raise children must not be limited or determined by the current or prospective parent's sexual, orientation, preference, or identity. All laws affecting inheritance, adoption, custody, benefits, insurance, and family visitation rights must treat same-sex and different-sex unions equally.

The Green Party supports the inclusion of progressive education about sex and sexuality at all level ages in the public school curriculum, and always appropriate to the age of the children being taught. The Green Party supports the unlimited and free availability of condoms, information about AIDS and other sexuality transmitted diseases, and referrals to counseling on matters of sex and sexuality, at public schools and clinics. We support a 10 percent or reasonably comparable goal of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender teachers in public education.

Sex workers: We support the right of sex workers to be free of exploitation, coerced and involuntary labor, and harassment. Sex workers must enjoy all the rights that other workers enjoy, including medical coverage, security and safety, benefits, collective bargaining rights, reasonable hours, and a democratic workplace.


Abortion rights: The Green Party fully supports the right of all women to abortion on demand. The Green Party believes that all questions of whether, why, when, and how to terminate a pregnancy are private and should be considered by a women and her physician and anyone else the woman herself chooses to involve, regardless of her age, without outside interference. The abortion itself must be treated as any other standard medical procedure in regard to public funding.


Health Care: The Green Party considers health care a human right, and therefore supports a single-payer national insurance program ("Just Health Care") for the US. [see following Proposed Key Area/Revision Amendment (PKA/RA-8) to the Green Party Platform]


The Green Party fully supports publicly funded needle exchange programs, both mobile and stationary, as a public health measure against the spread of HIV infection.

It is the position of the Green Party that no person should be prosecuted, harassed, arrested, or otherwise harmed for involvement in the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The Green Party supports the use of marijuana for medical purposes, under a physician's supervision, and the recognition of not-for-profit buyers' clubs.

The Green Party supports decriminalization of marijuana and its possession, use, transportation, and cultivation. The only restrictions on marijuana should be those needed to protect public safety, such as the prohibition on driving under the influence and distribution to minors.*

The Green Party supports drug abuse counseling and treatment on demand.

It is the position of the Green Party that regulations concerning "controlled substances" must be made in a coherent, rational, science-based and nondiscriminatory manner. The legality of controlled substances should be analyzed based on their actual and specific harm and impact. Any substance that is found to have less of a harmful impact than alcohol shall not be subject to any greater restrictions or criminal sanctions than those imposed on the use, sale, and possession of alcohol. Restrictions on the use of controlled substances shall not be imposed in such a manner as would have a discriminatorily disproportionate impact on the poor or on communities of color or other minorities. [OR: We support decriminalization of the personal use of any amount of any controlled substance.] [support] [do not support]

5) Health Care - Universal Health Care; The Right to Health Insurance; The Moral Bankruptcy of the D's and R's on the Health Care Issue


Health Care: The Green Party considers health care a human right, and therefore supports a single-payer national insurance program ("Just Health Care") for the US. Just Health Care would be publicly financed at the national level, administered locally, and privately delivered, i.e., private physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers would remain private and competitive, and consumers given full choice of provider.

Just Health Care would cover all standard medical procedures, treatment, diagnosis, etc., as well as drug treatment, dental care, medication, chronic and terminal illness, and abortion. Just Health Care must include equal coverage for treatment of mental illness. All Americans must be covered under Just Health Care, regardless of employment, income, housing, age, or prior medical condition.

The Green Party believes, based on comparison with other nations that have enacted similar programs, that Just Health Care is more economical and would save money in many areas. In order to enact Just Health Care, we must dismantle the current managed care system and enact federal control of drug pricing.

The prices of all kinds of medication must be publicly supervised and be set with respect to the needs of patients and consumers, instead of demands for commercial profit.

In matters of international trade, the United States must respect the measures other nations take to ensure public health, and must not use medication, medical equipment, and other medical necessities -- and threats of withholding them -- as leverage for political reasons or as extortion for the sake of commercial profit. We oppose any embargo or economic sanction that would cause the suffering of innocent civilians. [recommend] [not recommend] [return]

6) Environmental Sustainability -- Quality of Life Issues; Core Green Environmental Positions in the New Millenium

PKA/RA-9 RE Agriculture/Biological Diversity

The Green Party opposes the 'biodevastation' that Monsanto and related 'biotech' companies are engaged in. The actions of Monsanto in trying to subvert labeling of RBGH need to be exposed. Monsanto and other biotech, 'frankenfood' companies need to be brought into the light and their actions made public. For example, over half the soy bean production in the US (for example, "Roundup Ready soya") is the result of genetically modified seeds. Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are the new stealth product of the US transnational corporations. The acquiescence of the US government to biotech friendly capitalism, despite the loud protests of governments and peoples around the world, is a scandal. It is unacceptable that consumers purchasing soy products, for example, do not know whether they are eating or drinking genetically modified organisms. If a fish gene has been transferred to a crop to make it more tolerant of cold, consumers should know that they're ingesting a hybrid "frankenfood". If a gene has been added to seed stock to make that crop more capable of being heavily doused with pesticides like 'RoundUp', consumers should be warned. Genetically modified 'Terminator' seeds that are more about "intellectual property rights" and corporate profit than they are about sustainable agricultural practices, third-world economic independence, and health, should be banned. Labeling should fully disclose where genetically engineered (and/or irradiated) food is being supplied. Consumer choice needs to be based on full and complete disclosure. Whether it is Bt corn, genetically modified maize, or GM oilseed that finds its way into a menu of other products, the consumer needs to know and choose. Ralph Nader has called for consumer revolts. The time has come. The Green Parties and the Green Platforms around the world are united in opposition to genetically engineered 'vat food' that is being shoved down our throats. The arrogance of US biotech firms needs to be shown for what it is - food production for profit, not health. Food will be a key part of the next millenium's struggle for democracy. The Green Party stands in opposition to the 'frankenfood' future of the mega-transnational corporation. [recommend] [not recommend] [return]

Consensus Areas [common ground positions]

Proposal C-1 RE Foreign Policy

The US Green Party, with Green parties around the world, demand that the US support the international anti-personnel mine treaty. [recommend] [not recommend] [return]

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